
Art is often something that stirs at the emotions in unexpected ways. At times, these can be as simple as a reverence for the skill. Other times, they can pull at deeper heart strings.

With some of the feedback that’s been received, it was decided to share some of it here to encourage the discussions that have been arising.

I really enjoy his work a lot. I haven’t found a new artist whose work I’ve been so impressed with for a while.

I think my favorite is the one showcasing EDS though.

Even the camera one is really, really good and draws you in despite being his least exciting subject matter.

And he finds a balancing where most wouldn’t find in that black and white and technique of the flesh and bone.

I can’t find the right words but he finds balance and complimenting negative space where many wouldn’t be able to.

It’s truly stunning!

Anon, Australia

The X-Ray pieces… I’ve always loved skeletons and spooky things. But there’s so much more here. There’s so many levels to it too.

There’s the idea of seeing what is invisible. But there’s this strength I feel with it too. A vulnerability that goes well beyond just being nude.


When I ordered a commission featuring my Ehlers-Danlos, I didn’t expect it to be as empowering as it turned out to be. What started as a half flippant suggestion of “Hey, ever consider doing a wonky skeleton?” evolved into a self portrait showing some of my actual issues.

It confronted aspects of body dysmorphia that I half expected. But by the end, I fell in love with the whole piece. This also ended up serving as something as a conversation starter about not only what Ehlers-Danlos goes through, but the journey of learning to better appreciate and find beauty in one’s self again.

Amber; Anxiety Zebra

Have you visited the site and been moved by the pieces you’ve seen? Want to share your thoughts and feelings? Fill out the form below. Email will not be used in promotions, simply for verification purposes. If you wish to message about ordering a commission, it is required to fill out the form FOR ORDERS.

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